
Prof. Dr. MAI Trong Nhuan
- Vice Chairman, Vietnam Panel on Climate change.
- Director, VNU Key lab of Geoenvironment and Climate change response.
- Director, Master’s program on Climate change and Development, Vietnam Japan University, VNU.
Research areas: Climate Change and disaster assessment and response; Natural resource and environment management; Sustainability Science.

President PARK In-kook
Affiliation(s): President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS).
Research areas: Chinese language, literature and law.
Committee Members

Prof. Dr. Sc. VU Minh Giang
- Chairman, VNU Council for Science and Training.
- Vice President, Council National for Cultural Heritage.
- Chairman of Academic Advisory Committee, Asia Research Centre, VNU.
- Member of the National Council for Science and Technology.
- Director, Master’s program on Sustainability Science, VNU School of Interdisciplinary Studies.
- Director, Master’s program on Area Studies, Vietnam Japan University, VNU.
- Vice President, National Cultural Heritage Council.
Research areas: Cultural studies and development, History, Vietnam studies, Area studies.

Assoc. Prof. VU Van Tich
Affiliation(s): Director, Science and Technology Department, VNU.
Research areas: Geology specialised in petrography, tectonics, and isotopes.

- Professor, Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University (CEU).
- Vice Chair of Working Group III, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
- Leader, Scientific review of Sustainable Development Goal “7” in the new UN Development goals development process (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all”), 2014.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the high-level conference, “Our Common Future under Climate Change”, Paris, 2015.
- Co-chair, Scientific Steering Committee, Cities and Climate Change Science conference, Edmonton, March 2018.
Research areas: Environmental and Energy Studies.

Emeritus Prof. Nils Roar SALTHUN
Affiliation(s): Former Head of Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Research areas: Development and applications of hydrological models, Water resources management, Impacts of climate change impacts on water resources, Hydropower hydrology, Floods, Design flood estimation, Environmental information systems.

Emeritus Prof. Cuong LE Van
- Paris School of Economics.
- Emeritus Research Director, French National for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Research areas: Quantitative Methods, Macroeconomics and asset accumulation, Macroeconomics dynamics, General equilibrium.

Dr. HOANG Van Thang
Affiliation(s): Director General, VNU Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies.
Research areas: Management and conservation of wetlands, Environmental planning, Biodiversity conservation, Sustainable development.

Prof. DSc. TRUONG Quang Hoc
- Chair, Training and Scientific Council of the Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), VNU.
- Advisory Council Member for the National Committee on Climate Change (VPCC).
- Advisory Council Member of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
- Former Director of the Dept. of Scientific and Technological Management of VNU.
- Former Director of the Center of for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), VNU.
Research areas: Environmental Biology, Climate change, Sustainability Science.

Prof. JUNG Tae Yong
- Professor of Sustainable Development, Graduate School of International Studies, and Director, Center for Global Sustainability, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea.
- Principal Climate Change Specialist, East Asia Regional Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines.
- Deputy Executive Director, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Republic of Korea.
Research areas: Sustainable development, Environment and Environmental policy, Energy, Climate change.

Prof. Dr. PHAN Van Tan
Affiliation(s): Professor, Department of Meteorology and Climate Change, Faculty of Hydrology, Meteorology and Oceanography, VNU University of Science.
Research areas: Regional Climate Modelling and Climate Change, Dynamical Seasonal Prediction.

Prof. Nobuo MIMURA
Affiliation(s): President, Ibaraki University.
Research areas: Impact Assessment of Global Warming and Climate Change, Adaptation Science for Global Environmental Change, Sustainability Science, Coastal Engineering.

Emeritus Prof. Kazuya YASUHARA
Affiliation(s): Professor Emeritus, Ibaraki University.
Research areas: Geotechnical engineering, Geotechnical adaption to climate change.

Prof. Dr. Andreas H. FINK
Affiliation(s): Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK).
Research areas: Dynamics and predictability of weather phenomena, Climate variability and change, Extreme weather and climate events, and regional climate modeling.

Prof. Dr. TRAN Thuc
- Vice Chairman, The Vietnam Panel on Climate Change.
- Chairman, Vietnam National Committee for the International Hydrological Program (IHP).
Research areas: Hydrometeorology, environment, disaster risk reduction, and climate change.

Assoc. Prof. TRAN Hong Thai
Affiliation(s): Deputy General Director, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration.
Research areas: Climate change, water resources, environment, exploitations.

Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Hieu Trung
Affiliation(s): Director, Climate Change Research Institute (Dragon-Mekong Institute) – Can Tho University.
Research areas: Integrated water resources management, land use dynamic, climate change adaptation, urban resilience.

Prof. Dr. TRAN Tho Dat
Affiliation(s): President, National Economics University.
Research areas: Economic growth models, quality of growth, education and growth, economics of climate change, higher education financing, demand for money and monetary policy.

Prof. Fukushi KENSUKE
Affiliation(s): Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies.
Research areas: Environmental engineering, risk assessment, climate change effect, water resource, biological technology, membrane technology.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dawan WIWATTANADATE
Affiliation(s): Director of EDS (Environment, Development and Sustainability) Program, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University.
Research areas: Energy and Materials Resource Recovery and Recycling, Climate Friendly Resources Utilization.

Adj. Prof. Alex SMAJGL
- Managing Director, Mekong Region Futures Institute.
- Managing Director, Sustainable Futures Institute Australia.
- Adjunct Professor, Deakin University, Australia.
Research areas: Sustainable development, climate change adaptation, natural resources management, environmental economics, and urbanization.

Dr. Michael A. ELLIS
- Head of Catchment Science and Observatories, British Geological Survey.
- Editor, Earth’s Future (an AGU/Wiley journal).
Research areas: Environmental response and resilience to future forcings at human and planning time-scales, Coupling earth surface processes to the human process, Active tectonics and tectonic geomorphology, The Anthropocene, writ large.

- Senior Environmental Specialist, Programs Unit, Global Environment Facility (GEF) (January 2018-).
- Director for International Strategy on Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (July 2017 – January 2018).
- Director for Research and Information Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (July 2014- July 2017).
- Director, Secretariat of Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (July 2011 – July 2014).
Research areas: climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate finance.