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It is free to attend the Hanoi Forum 2018. However, registration is required. Deadline to register is October 31, 2018. Below is a quick guidance for Registration and Submission of abstracts and full papers.



Go to the forum’s website at: https://hanoiforum.vnu.edu.vn. Click on the “Register” button at the top right of the website as shown in the picture below:


It will bring you to the registration page. Please complete the form and click “Register” at the bottom.


After you finished registration online, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided in the Registration form. If you don’t find it in your Inbox, please check your Spam/Junk mail folder.

Please click on the “Verify” button to activate your account.

Now you are registered! You can log into your account anytime to manage your account setting, your profile, and submit an abstract, among other things.

Next time, you can simply click on the “Login” button at the top right of the website to log into your account.


After logining into your account, you will find a navigation panel on the left-hand side of your screen where you can click on “Submit an abstract” button to submit your abstract. Please follow the instruction for abstract submission, which can be found at the top of the Submit Abstract page as shown in the picture below. 

Upload your abstract file, then indicate the panel session that you wish to present your paper at, and hit the "Submit" button. A confirmation will be sent to your registered email.

All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by Hanoi Forum’s Academic Committee. Notification of abstract review results will be announced by July 15, 2018.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper. Please log into your account to do so once you receive the invitation. 

If you  have questions, comments, or require assistance, please contact us at hanoiforum@vnu.edu.vn